


Fame and its Empty Promise of Fulfillment and Contentment

October 27, 2018

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I’m a Wisconsin-raised, San Franciscan writer, speaker, and coach specialized in the areas of mindset, self-worth, body image, and faith-based confidence.

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In a world that screams “be known, be seen, be liked, be impressive, be successful” – it’s easy to be enticed by fame’s empty promise to bring fulfillment and contentment.  

Polished moments, beautiful smiles, impressive accomplishments, picturesque lives saturate your social media feed.  You see the masses champion those who seemingly have a “better” life than you…those who appear to have something you’re missing…those who appear to be something you’re not, but desperately wish you could be.  They’re killing it, capturing the attention and affirmation of friends, family, and onlookers. Perhaps you think “man, I wish that was me. I wish that was my life.”

Hold up. Let’s – for a moment – pause to call fame’s bluff.

An impressive amount of “likes” and ever-increasing number of friend requests on social media may result in an intoxicating “bump” of happiness for some – or perhaps many – of us.  But let us remember: such contentedness is fleeting, momentary bliss.

If fame and affirmation of others is what you seek, there will never be enough.  

No matter how impressive your social media numbers/followers, you will always be left craving more.

No matter the amount of success or fame you accomplish, there will always be someone more successful, more famous.

What if in seeking the affirmation of others, by striving to be the person you think others want you to be – you end up becoming a generic version of everyone else and sacrifice the pieces of yourself that make you so unique and marvelous?  

What if by chasing down the next “big” break to lead you to your “destiny” – you actually end up losing sight of what and who is truly important?

What if by striving after the “dream” or the  “perfect life” you wish to attain “someday,” you unintentionally sacrifice LIVING today?

Oh devilish Fame: we call your bluff.  

You’re like a shimmering mirage of thirst-quenching water on the horizon in the blinding heat of desert – an empty promise that brings no satisfaction.  

Friends, keep tabs on that slippery, slimy Fame monster.  Fame is intoxicating and luring on the surface – yet, if left unattended and to its own devices, can be life-sucking and quite possibly, lead to your demise.

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  1. Lisette says:

    I love this so much! Thank you for inspiring me to be more than a generic version of myself. Your authenticity is beautiful and inspiring 💖💖💖

  2. Lisette, thank you so much, my beautiful, authentic friend! I am so thankful to journey through life alongside you. You are beautiful – inside and out. XOXO

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I’m a writer, speaker, and coach specialized in the areas of confidence & self-worth, identity & calling, body image, and Christian-based mindsets. I help you retrain your brain, grow in your faith, and build better habits so you can live with confidence and stop letting insecurity & self-doubt rob you of the life you long for.

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