

Top 5 with Rachael

Top 5 for October (2020)

October 3, 2020

Welcome friend!

I’m a Wisconsin-raised, San Franciscan writer, speaker, and coach specialized in the areas of mindset, self-worth, body image, and faith-based confidence.

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It’s Fall Y’all!

The tell-tale signs of autumn are upon us.

The smell of warm cinnamon…nature’s vast array of colors boldly on display…the gazillion luring pumpkin options that fill the shelves of Trader Joe’s…

I love all these things and various other fun-filled festivities.

Below in this post I share the “top 5” Fall favorite I’m really pumped about this month. But before we jump right into those picks…I wanted to touch on the one thing I cherish most about Fall. 

It’s Fall’s sound reminder: 

The close to one chapter is merely the start to a new one.

Fall is a closing of sorts. And it’s also a time of hopeful expectation. 

  • It prepares for the slumber of winter by letting go of things that were once useful and are no longer. 
  • It embraces change when it’s time to move on to the next right thing. 
  • It doesn’t resist seasons of barrenness but instead embraces them, trusting in God’s goodness to use such time as preparation for what’s ahead.

May we each embrace this same perspective this Fall. 

Let’s allow this autumn to serve as a reminder that we live in seasons. 

Seasons of struggle, seasons of growth, seasons of lack, seasons of flourishing, seasons of promise, seasons of disappointment.  

May we embrace each season with hopeful expectation. Knowing there is a place for each and every season. And not one of them is ever wasted by God. 

There is a place for every season.

And not one of them is wasted by God.

A New Perspective on 2020 (A Year of HARD)

2020 has not been the year many of us were expecting. 

It sure has been filled with a whole lot more hardship and struggle than we could have ever predicted.

YET STILL . . . may we remember that there is still purpose in this season. 

Yes, even this pandemic season. 

God desires to use this season of hardship, less, and slow to grow and change us–in a way that perhaps could only be possible through struggle. 

So let’s lean in and trust what He has in store.

Let’s also pay attention to our life. Let’s slow down and mine for the lessons He’s trying to teaching us along the way. 

“We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.”

-John Dewey

A Time for Reflection

Without pausing to reflection, we may miss out the lessons God’s trying to teach us through our experiences.

So as we kick off October, I invite you to join me in a simple exercise of reflection to help you digest what has been and prepare your heart for what will be. 

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What has this pandemic season of “less” and “slow” taught me about myself?
  • What has been most challenging to let go of this season? Has it revealed any strongholds or habits that God wants to prune away from my life?
  • What things do I most look forward to welcoming back in? (e.g., attending church in person, family/friend gatherings,   
  • What mindsets, behaviors, or habits are best for me to leave behind?

I encourage you to set aside some time to pause, turn inward, and reflect on these points in prayer with God as you usher in October.

And also?

Make sure to have some fun this October and choose to seek out joy despite the “hard.”   

On that note, how about we jump into those TOP 5 PICKS for October? 

Top 5 with Rachael


#1 – Tea Time With God

It can be so easy to jump right into our day without pausing to spend our first moments with God.

This month I encourage you to join me in daily Tea Time with God. Grab a warm beverage (like this Pumpkin Spice Roobios tea from Trader Joe’s) …perhaps even grab a blanket and make your way outdoors. 

Commit to a “pause” each morning in silent prayer with God to sort through your insides and take captive your thoughts (2 Cor 10:5).

Click on the button below to check out TJ’s yummy tea and other pumpkin goodies.


#2 – Fall Outings With Friends

Our Fall festivities may look a bit more limited this year thanks to COVID. But there are still plenty of options for us to safely social distance and enjoy Fall outings with others.

Some of my favorite ways to usher in this season? Pumpkin carving parties or making a trek up to an apple orchard, pumpkin patch, or Farmer’s Market to pick up some Fall delicacies. 

Looking for some other ideas? Click on the button below for a list of 55 other Fall activities.


#3 – The Chosen

Have you watched The Chosen yet? If not, do yourself a favor and check out this TV series based on the life of Jesus (directed and co-written by Dallas Jenkins).

This isn’t some cheesy, cringe-worthy, low production Christian watch. It’s incredibly well-done, engaging, and heart-moving and will help you see Jesus from a fresh perspective–through the eyes of those who walked alongside him.

Click on the button below for more info on the series and where you can watch it.


#4 – Olive & June Nail Polish

In need of a little self-care?

Olive & June’s new Fall 2020 Nailfie Ready set is a great little treat to spruce up your look and usher in Fall. I’m obsessed. Interested in nabbing some new Fall colors for yourself? Click on the button below to get $10 off your $50+ purchase.


#5 – TJ’s Cinnamon Broom

It’s that time of year again – Trader Joe’s cinnamon brooms have hit the floors! If you haven’t had a chance to snag one yet…

DO IT! These bad boys will fill your house with the warm scent of cinnamon. One broom packs a punch and lasts for a good long while. And at $0.99 for the small and $3.99 for the large they won’t break the bank.

Cinnamon not your thang? Check out their Honeycrisp Apple candle ($3.99) – another delicious scent to kiss your home with autumn.

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I’m a writer, speaker, and coach specialized in the areas of confidence & self-worth, identity & calling, body image, and Christian-based mindsets. I help you retrain your brain, grow in your faith, and build better habits so you can live with confidence and stop letting insecurity & self-doubt rob you of the life you long for.

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