

Let's Go There

Let’s Go There: Getting Real with Katie & Rachael

August 25, 2020

Welcome friend!

I’m a Wisconsin-raised, San Franciscan writer, speaker, and coach specialized in the areas of mindset, self-worth, body image, and faith-based confidence.

Meet rachael

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The other day, I was having a pretty rough go-of-it. 

My insides were a mixed bag of emotions: 

  • COVID-blues
  • “I feel so insignificant” insecurities
  • “Will things ever get better again?” discouragement
  • And lots of other scribbly feelings

Can you feel me?

Reaching Out For Help & Getting Real with a Friend

To help fight off the downward spiral, I decided to call my soul sister and writer friend, Katie Kibbe. As it turns out, she was in a rough patch, too.

As we chatted about our messy insides, something amazing happened: our emotional burdens were lifted.

Getting real with someone who truly listens, honestly cares, and is able to express, “I hear ya, Friend” is so profoundly encouraging and freeing.

I am so blessed to have a Katie (and other “Katie’s”) I can turn to when I’m in a hard place.

But not all of us have a Katie. 

Not all of us have friends we can turn to to be completely honest and unfiltered with about “all the things.” Especially those “real” things that aren’t always quite so pretty.

Well, Katie and I got to talking…and we thought it would be SO cool to create a space where we could be those kinds of friends for you.

Let’s Go There: Getting Real with Katie & Rachael

Starting next week Friday (August 28th @ 11AM PST / 2PM EST), Katie and I are going LIVE on Instagram and Facebook for our very first (of hopefully many) “Let’s Go There” unmasked chats.

The event details for our first chat are included below.  We’d love to have you join us. 🙂 

(If you can’t catch us live, no fret: we’ll post a replay. The details re: future chats will be communicated via email and social media platforms.)


Meet Rachael. Rachael is a writer, speaker, and mindset coach who is dedicated to helping women break free from self-doubt so they feel empowered to embrace their True Selves with confidence.

Through a combination of coaching, biblical application, mindfulness training, and her unique 5-step "Bloom" strategy, Rachael provides the tools women need to heal and step into a life of purpose. Rachael roots for the underdog, celebrates uniqueness, and "has it bad" for Farmers Markets. She lives in San Francisco, CA with her hilarious husband, Sean, and adorable dog, Chloe (a Westie). 

Connect with her at, @rachaelstgermain (Instagram), and @rachael.l.stgermain (FB).
Meet Katie. Katie is a writer, speaker, and calling coach who is dedicated to helping women say yes to their callings so they are empowered to make their corners of the world a better place. 

Her unique approach of Prayer, Pondering, and Action allows women to live authentically while organically integrating their faith into their busy lives. In addition to enjoying time at the lake with her husband and two children, Katie loves conversations about things that matter like the power of Trader Joe's snacks and glitter pens to brighten any day. Connect with her at, @katie_kibbe (Instagram), and @katiewriter (FB).

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I’m a writer, speaker, and coach specialized in the areas of confidence & self-worth, identity & calling, body image, and Christian-based mindsets. I help you retrain your brain, grow in your faith, and build better habits so you can live with confidence and stop letting insecurity & self-doubt rob you of the life you long for.

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Let's Trade self doubt for self confidence