“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.”
-1 Peter 5:7 NLT
Shoot, I did it again!
A moment of awareness snapped me out of my wandering, anxious thoughts and brought be back into the present moment where I was caught red-handed. I looked down to assess the damage done to the latest victim of my stress.
Bahhhh… Darn it!
My left thumbnail had been ruggedly gnawed down to its finger bed. It’s a nasty habit. One I’ve intentionally worked at weeding out of my coping mechanisms toolbox. But as the saying goes, “old habits die hard.”
Well, that’s okay. It’s just a thumbnail. It’ll grow back. And soon enough, this habit will be put to bed once and for all.
But in the meanwhile, I’m thankful I’ve learned to recognize my nail chewing is more than a mere bad habit. Oh no…it’s more than that.
For me, nail biting is one (of several) tell-tale signs that something’s gnawing at my soul.
Some of the other common warning signs that show up for me personally:
These signs of distress (and others) are smoke signals communicating there’s a fire within that needs to be put out.
When I notice these warning signs, I know it’s important to take a moment to push pause, take a step back, and assess the situation within my internal world.
Now, you may not be a nail-biter…
But chances are you have your own kind of coping mechanisms to “help” you deal with or try to avoid the stresses, pains, or problems of life.
Way too often, we attempt to escape our problems or numb away our pain or worries. Because in the moment? It sounds easier. It feels better.
What are your “go-to” coping mechanisms?
The opportunities of escape or numbing are endless.
Our “go-to” coping mechanism strategies may look different for each of us. However, they all accomplish the same thing: momentary, temporary relief and/or escape from our troubles.
If we’re honest, our humanness causes us to prefer to turn to our numbing or distracting agents. Because the alternative…sitting in the pain or dealing with the problem…sounds dreadful.
Some of us excel at numbing or running.
Present company included.
I mean, for years, I was a pro at using an eating disorder to avoid dealing with uncomfortable feelings, worries, or insecurities. And while I no longer turn to my eating disorder to numb and distract, I need to be diligent in keeping an eye out for numbing and distracting tendencies. Because the struggle is real, folks. For all of us.
But when it comes to avoidance, here’s the rub:
We can’t run or escape from our problems or emotions forever.
Even if we’re successful at avoiding them for a short while, our pain, our fears, our feelings…well…they have a way of catching up with us.
Whether we like it or not.
Rather than running and hiding, I suggest we opt for a better, healthier solution:
Facing our feelings and problems head-on.
Wait, what?
Yes, you heard me correctly.
Now, before you bow out of this challenge…
Before you think, “Thanks, but no thanks, Rachael! Peace out!”…
Before you allow resistance to lead you into inaction…
Keep this one key truth in mind:
No matter how difficult the problems or challenges you face.
No matter how hopeless you feel.
No matter how painful the past memories…how messy your present situation…or how ingrained the toxic patterns and behaviors have become…
God’s got this, Friend.
God can take any difficult or bleak situation and turn it all around for good.
From your current perspective, it may be difficult to see past your problems, see outside of your pain, or see through the foggy-cloud of worry that surrounds your inner-world.
But fear not.
God not only sees the current situation in which you find yourself. But He also has a clear view of what’s ahead.
You can trust God to use all of your circumstances….including (perhaps even especially) the bad ones…to shape you into the person He created you to be.
And you can bet your money on this fact: He will accomplish some very, very good things (for you…and through you for the good of others).
So Friend…
Through whatever you face in the days ahead, remind yourself that God’s is always with you. In every situation and any circumstance.
When you encounter challenges, difficult emotions, or anxiety-provoking situations…
Because the truth of the matter is:
May you maintain a grateful heart, no matter the circumstances.
May you be confident in who you are in Christ and the person God created you to be.
May you be radiant in God’s love, shining brightly for all to see.
I’m a writer, speaker, and coach specialized in the areas of confidence & self-worth, identity & calling, body image, and Christian-based mindsets. I help you retrain your brain, grow in your faith, and build better habits so you can live with confidence and stop letting insecurity & self-doubt rob you of the life you long for.
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