About Me

Welcome, Friend!

I’m a Wisconsin-raised, San Franciscan writer, speaker, and coach specialized in the areas of mindset, self-worth, body image, and faith-based confidence.

I've been a guide to hundreds of women to help them break free from self-doubt, rewrite the script on their stories, and break into lives they're excited about.

I'd be thrilled to help you do the same, Friend. 

I want to help you uncover the Radiant person you were made to be. 

Do you have an Inner Critic that's hell-bent on proving you're never enough? 

If so, I totally get it.

Friend, I used to be my own worst critic.

From my earliest memory, there was this little voice inside my head telling me the "real me" didn't measure up.

My Inner Critic told me:

  • The "real me" was too much for people (and at the same time not enough)
  • I was an outsider who was different from everyone else and needed to earn her way to acceptance
  • I needed to prove my worth by meeting certain expectations and keeping others happy
  • I was weird and awkward and needed to morph into a girl others wanted me to be

Following my Critic's cue, I started treating myself like a real-life Ms. Potato Head

Under the disguise of "self-improvement" I strived to discard my flaws and take on "more worthy" identities.

I became the Perfectionist, the Over-Achiever, the People-Pleaser, the Good Girl, the Pretty Girl, the Ever-Dependable Friend.

I was desperate to prove and have others affirm: You matter. You're worthy. You're loved. You're accepted.

I didn't see any danger in it at the time. I was convinced I was becoming a "better version" of Rachael.

But man, was I wrong.

Rather than leading me to my "best self" and more confidence - this path ultimately led to my ruin.

Friend, I've done the whole striving thing...and I also know what it takes to opt out of that noise. 

I know what it takes to "unlearn" and break free from the lies that keep us stuck in fear and self-doubt.

Today, I love and accept my "True Self."

And I want that for you, too. I'd love to help you get there.

I want to help you break through the barriers that are keeping you "stuck"

To break free from the lies that tell you you're not enough

To get out of your head and silence your Inner Critic so you can live confident & free

To heal from past wounds, embrace your story, and find your voice

To feel empowered to pursue your calling. 

To step into a life you love: one filled with meaning and purpose

I'd love to help you find your way from "stuck" to breakthrough.